For over 25 years we’ve been

Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth to unlock their full potential

One generation down,
one to go.

The Ganbina Generation

This is a generation of young people who, for the first time in modern history, are properly equipped to carve out a brighter future for themselves, their children and their children’s children.

For Participants and Families

Ganbina is here to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth in the Goulburn Valley in achieve their education, employment, and training goals.

For Funders and Partners

Ganbina remains independent of government funding. Therefore, we rely on the generous support of our partners to operate our program and fulfil our 50-year commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth.

89% of Ganbina Year 12 students complete Year 12 on average.

Only 1 percentage point below the non- Indigenous rate and much higher than the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rate of 66%.


of non-Indigenous Year 12 students complete Year 12 on average.



of Ganbina Year 12 students complete Year 12 on average.



of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students complete Year 12 on average.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Our Programs

Jobs4U2 tackles three major areas, as well as life skills, which are crucial for the future success of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth.

Jobs4U2 Education

Jobs4U2 Education focuses on ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth remain in mainstream education.
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Jobs4U2 Employment

Jobs4U2 Employment aims to help youth turn the vision for their career path, which is established during the Jobs4U2 Education program into a reality.
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Jobs4U2 Training

Jobs4U2 Training helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth develop workplace readiness and the skills or further education required to obtain the career of their choice.
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Life Skills

Ganbina provides additional support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth so there are no socio-economic barriers to accessing education, employment and/or training.
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More about the program

Meet the Ganbina Generation

Since Ganbina began in 1997, 2135 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth have been supported to unlock their full potential.

  • In the future, Jag would like to be a chef or a mechanic.

    Read story
  • Amee is the first person in her family to complete tertiary education.

    Read story
  • Meet Lillie, Ganbina participant and Agent of Change.

    Read story

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On average 89% of Ganbina's participants graduate Year 12

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High unemployment and welfare dependency rates in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community is a multi-faceted problem, but one of the key determining factors is education.