Jobs4U2 Education

Jobs4U2 Education focuses on ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth remain in mainstream education and understand the connection between education, career choices and life opportunities.

On average, Ganbina’s participants...


Graduate Year 12


complete their relevant year of education, employment or training

2 in 3

transition to further education or employment post Year 12

Jobs4U2 Education


High unemployment and welfare dependency rates in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community is a multi-faceted problem, but one of the key determining factors is education.

Ganbina realised that most Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults who were unemployed had dropped out of school. This meant in the modern economy, they did not have the skills or education to compete in the workforce.

This was the basis of Jobs4U2 Education. A program that focuses on keeping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth engaged in the mainstream education system, with a strong focus on completing Year 12.

Key Elements


At Ganbina, we want to ensure that no Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child or youth is unable to access education due to socio-economic factors. Therefore, each Ganbina participant receives an annual education scholarship that can be used to pay for education expenses such as school uniforms, books, or excursions.

Key Elements

Accelerated Learning Program (Tutoring)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children often start primary school developmentally behind their non-Indigenous peers. This can result in a high risk of dropping out of school by the time children reach upper primary school; they are two or three years behind. To address this issue, Ganbina offers an Accelerated Learning Program (tutoring) for participants in English and maths from Grade 3-6.

The Accelerated Learning Program is culturally appropriate and embeds culture wherever suitable to encourage engagement, cultural learning, and connection for participants.

Key Elements

1:1 Mentoring

Each Ganbina participant is assigned a Project Officer who works with the participant to create an individualised education and career vision.

Project Officers conduct regular in-person check-ins at the participant’s school to ensure the participant is not facing any difficulties or is at risk of dropping out.

At school they (Ganbina) help with tutoring and I had better results in school because of Ganbina. I was mostly always engaged in school but in Year 11 and 12 I went through a rough patch as mum was diagnosed with cancer and I had depression. Ganbina helped me get up to speed on schoolwork.
Ganbina Participant
Social Ventures Australia Report

Participant stories

  • Ieashya's story

    Ieashya is doing a traineeship in civil and rail construction.

    Read story
  • Virgil's story

    Virgil was a participant in our Youth Leadership Program.

    Read story
  • Chenneil's story

    Chenneil is building her skills and confidence.

    Read story
  • Amee Henningson's story

    Amee is the first person in her family to complete tertiary education.

    Read story
  • Lincoln's story

    Lincoln aspires to go to university after Year 12.

    Read story

Register for our program

You can register for Jobs4U2 online, whether you have been registered in the past or are new to Ganbina.

Contact a member of our team today

We're here to help! Get in touch with a member of our team

Anthony Cavanagh

Chief Executive Officer 428 217 332
A picture of CEO Anthony Cavanagh
Our People

On average 89% of Ganbina's participants graduate Year 12

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