Jobs4U2 Training

When Ganbina was founded in 1997, its unique selling point was that it would be a school-to-work-transition program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth. It was not only an education program but also an employment program, a holistic program that connected the two.

On average….

2 in 3 Ganbina participants

transition to further education or employment post Year 12

Jobs4U2 Training


An essential element of this transition program was training. For a young Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person to fulfil their career vision, most would need to complete some further training after secondary school.

Whether this be tertiary study, TAFE or an apprenticeship, Jobs4U2 Training ensures young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people develop workplace readiness for the career they envision for themselves.

Jobs4U2 training key elements

Help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth to obtain the right skills, training and qualifications through their chosen vocation

Ganbina’s project officers work with Ganbina participants to identify the necessary training and qualifications to fulfil their career vision.


Explore and apply for tertiary study options

Ganbina project officers encourage and work with Ganbina participants to discover tertiary study options and support them with the application process.

I talked to Ganbina a lot about what I wanted to do in the future – and they were more useful than the careers advisors at school because Ganbina could help me connect with Indigenous centres.
Ganbina participant
SVA Report

Register for our program

You can register for Jobs4U2 online, whether you have been registered in the past or are new to Ganbina.

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Anthony Cavanagh

Chief Executive Officer 428 217 332
A picture of CEO Anthony Cavanagh
Our People