How Ganbina Can Help

We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in the Goulburn Valley and beyond to reach their education, employment, and training goals. All of our programs and services are provided at no cost to eligible participants.


From the age of five until the age of 25, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth in the Goulburn Valley have access to Ganbina’s services.

We are here to help you unlock your full potential and fulfil your education, employment and training dreams – whatever they may be.

Our Programs

5-25 Years Old

Jobs4U2 Education

Helping you while you’re in primary and/or secondary school.
  • Education Scholarships
    We can help cover the costs associated with your education, such as school books, uniforms, excursion fees etc.
  • Accelerated Learning Program (Tutoring)
    If you are in Grades 3-6 and need help with English and/or maths, Ganbina offers a tutoring program in a cultural yarning and time. If you are in secondary school, we can also help you access free tutoring support.
  • Education Mentoring
    When you join Ganbina you will be assigned a Project Officer who will help you create a plan to fulfil your education goals. Your Project Officer will also help you with any difficulties you’re having at school.
15+ Years Old


Help with creating a vision for your career and helping you develop the skills you need to get there.
  • Employment Scholarships
    Help with covering things you may need to buy for work, such as work clothes or uniform.
  • Career Mentoring
    Help developing a vision for what you might like to do post school, with a mentor to help you develop a plan on how to achieve your dream career.
  • Employment Academy
    Help with learning essential job skills such as how to write a resume and do a job interview.
  • Industry Tours
    Tour a variety of workplaces that you may like to work in one day. For Year 7-9 students only.
  • Careers Night
    A Careers Night specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth in Year 10-12.
16-25 Years Old


  • Training Scholarships
    Help covering costs associated with further education and/or further training expenses, e.g. university school books, uniforms and shoes for traineeships, etc.
  • Careers Night
    Our annual Careers Night for Year 10-12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students also includes university, TAFE and apprenticeship/traineeship exhibitors.
  • Explore & Apply for Tertiary Study
    Our Project Officers can help you apply for further education courses, including apprenticeships and traineeships, which you are interested in.
5-25 Years Old

Life Skills

  • I.D Documents
    We make sure you have essential ID documents such as your birth certificate, Tax File Number and a bank account.
  • Driving Program
    We offer a driving program to help you get your driver’s licence.
  • Youth Leadership Program
    A special program you can apply for in Year 11 to develop your leadership skills and learn about other First Nations cultures.
  • Enhancing Cultural Connection
    We embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture into every element of our programs. The Jobs4U2 programs are an opportunity to learn more about and connect to your individual mobs, cultures and bloodlines.

Our Staff

Jean Miller-Fowler

General Manager

Bradley Argaet

Education Project Officer

Valerie Atkinson

Education Project Officer

Sharni Beeton

Education Program Project Officer

Klarindah Hudson

Scholarship Program Project Officer

Dayna Seymour

Employment and Training Program Project Officer

Some Frequently Asked Participant Questions

Yes, Ganbina was co-founded by a Gooreng Gooreng man Adrian Appo and is still led by a majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander team.  All of our Shepparton office staff are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and many belong to local mobs and have grown up in community.

We are here to support you to fulfil your goals in education, employment and training. We offer the distinct program Jobs4U2.

We also offer help with a series of life skills such as helping you learn how to drive, make sure you have essential identification (I.D) documents and offer opportunities to develop your cultural connection to Country.

Yes. You need to either live in the Goulburn Valley region or be from the Goulburn Valley. We are able to continue to supporting you up to the age of 25 if you move outside of this area for education, training or work.

Register for our program

You can register for Jobs4U2 online, whether you have been registered in the past or are new to Ganbina.

Contact a member of our team today

We're here to help! Get in touch with a member of our team

Jean Miller-Fowler

General Manager 5821 7333